Body Tempering Science

What’s the Science behind Body Tempering?

(Full study and results)

The Effects of Body Tempering on Force Production, Flexibility and Muscle Soreness in Collegiate Football Athletes

Published: 11 January 2022

By Christopher B. Taber,
Roy J. Colter,
Jair J. Davis,
Patrick A. Seweje,
Dustin P. Wilson,
Jonathan Z. Foster
Justin J. Merrigan



“The results of this study demonstrated that tempering can be an effective way to reduce soreness in strength and power athletes. Since athletes may report a reduction in soreness, allowing for improved performance during training or competition, body tempering can be used before training or competition to prepare athletes for the task at hand. Body tempering is a relatively quick intervention, only requiring three minutes per limb, which can allow for multiple athletes to receive the intervention in a short period of time.”

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